Progetti correlati.

Particolare casa, California – Partizioni divisorie con tende in rete metallica color rame
Interior design and partitions with copper metal mesh curtains project

Scuola secondaria superiore di Heinola, Finlandia – Auditorium con tende in rete metallica
The interior design project of stainless steel metal mesh curtains auditorium of Heinola Upper Secondary School, Finland, combines functionality and aesthetics with the application of the MIES R model. See how this innovative design enhances the acoustics

Edificio per uffici Ausonia de Serveis, Madrid
The Ausonia de Serveis offices in Madrid feature modern interior design using MIES R stainless steel mesh. Discover how this flexible metal curtain divides office spaces while enhancing natural light and maintaining an open environment. Learn more about t

Augustinus Bader x Lanserhof Dover Street, Londra
Interior Design with MIES R Copper Mesh he Augustinus Bader