The metal LGS House: by Niji Architects

Der LGS House is a metal structure that has been built in a suburb of Tokyo (Japan). The unique feature of this project is that, like a wooden house, it has been constructed from panels. The entire building, in this case made of metal, produces a look more reminiscent of a factory than a residential dwelling.

Niji Architects were responsible for overseeing the whole creative process and production, which involved cutting the channels and drilling the metal plates which, once assembled, form this innovative construction concept.

The two-storey 4.75 by 11.15-metre house showcases a steel structure throughout. The floor, walls and roof are made up of panels with sufficient strength and rigidity to allow them to be attached directly to the structure without the need for additional supports, a feature that greatly reduces the cost and construction time. The steel frames are exposed and the details of the structure are designed to be visible.

The design aims to facilitate the entry of as much natural light as possible at the same time as it offers much more privacy than other houses of similar characteristics through the unconventional placement of the building’s windows. Thus a bright, comfortable and intimate space is created.

These particular characteristics make the house a unique proposal, full of character and style, reflecting the requirements of its owner, an experienced steel manufacturer set on starting a new wave of house building. The LGS House thus represents an initial prototype to that end.

The project design, with a focus on environmental sensitivity, employed best practice procedures to construct a house in line with concepts of social awareness.

The house also features various parking areas, both in the front and at the back.

This innovative project is only an initial experiment in the use of metal for house building. Increased development of this type of building is expected in the future towards the creation of more housing in a similar vein. This looks likely to be just the beginning of a concept destined for future growth.



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