
El acero inoxidable es un material ampliamente utilizado en aplicaciones industriales y de arquitectura, debido a sus propiedades físicas y estructurales. Tiene una alta resistencia a la oxidación y la corrosión debido a la presencia de cromo en su composición; este elemento se combina con el oxígeno y crea una capa protectora superficial de óxido de cromo, llamada capa pasiva.

Posee una alta resistencia mecánica y al desgaste, una gran durabilidad y es fácil de mecanizar y manipular.

Es un material destacado por su alta sostenibilidad, ya que tiene una larga vida en servicio y requiere poco o nulo mantenimiento. Además, es 100% reciclable al final de su vida útil, y posee un promedio de porcentaje de reciclado de entre un 60 y casi 90%. Su producción genera niveles mínimos de CO2 y otras emisiones.

Tiene numerosas aplicaciones en arquitectura e interiorismo: cerramiento de pabellones o garajes, rehabilitación de fachadas, ascensores, escaleras, suelos, techos, protección de huecos, división de espacios, etc.

En Codina Architectural existen varios acabados disponibles de este material.

Malla metálica modelo Eiffel 4050

Eiffel 4050

The EIFFEL 4050 model is highly versatile, offering easy adaptation to curved or non-linear geometries within the EIFFEL series. Architects can leverage its flexibility to achieve unique building effects or shapes while maintaining balance with project budgets. With several finishes and a variety of shades available, the EIFFEL 4050 model from Codina Architectural is designed to suit any project requirement.

Featuring an open area of 61% and a maximum width of 8 meters, the EIFFEL 4050 model provides ample coverage and versatility for a wide range of architectural applications. Crafted from aluminum, brass, copper, or stainless steel, this model is compatible with various fixing systems, including TF-30, TF-35, TF-50, and TF-60.

The EIFFEL 4050 model is suitable for banisters, ceilings, claddings, enclosures, facades, interior design, parkings, retail spaces, sport facilities, stadiums, and staircases. Larger widths are also available upon request.

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Metal mesh model Eiffel 2050 - EIFFEL 2050 architectural mesh model is an excellent solution in case an increase of privacy behind the mesh is required.

Eiffel 2050

EIFFEL 2050 is an architectural mesh model designed by Codina Architectural, offering an excellent solution for situations where increased privacy behind the mesh is required. With its higher opacity design, this model reduces the amount of light passing through the mesh, resulting in a heightened reflection effect. Codina Architectural provides multiple material finishes and color shades for the EIFFEL 2050 model, ensuring it can seamlessly adapt to any project requirement.

Featuring an open area of 27% and a maximum width of 8 meters, the EIFFEL 2050 model offers versatility and functionality for a wide range of architectural applications. Available in aluminum, brass, copper, and stainless steel, this model is compatible with various fixing systems, including TF-30, TF-35, TF-50, and TF-60.

The EIFFEL 2050 model by Codina Architectural is suitable for banisters, ceilings, claddings, enclosures, facades, interior design, parkings, retail spaces, sport facilities, stadiums, and staircases. Larger widths are also available upon request.

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Sumérgete en la sofisticación del techo decorativo de malla metálica Coderch Cobre. Esta impresionante aplicación de techos metálicos agrega un toque de elegancia y modernidad a cualquier espacio, mejorando el atractivo visual y manteniendo la integridad estructural. Los techos de malla de alambre ofrecen durabilidad, practicidad y estilo contemporáneo, lo que los convierte en la opción perfecta para proyectos arquitectónicos que buscan una estética distintiva. Eleve sus diseños arquitectónicos con techos de malla de alambre, que ofrecen durabilidad, modernidad y practicidad.

Al Muhandes para contratación – Jordania

Instalación de Mallas Metálicas Coderch en Al Muhandes - Jordania

Codina Architectural was responsible for a standout installation at the Al Muhandes for Contracting building in Jordan, where 376 square meters of Coderch metal mesh in varnished copper is placed on the ceilings, were installed on the ceilings. These metal meshes were specifically used in the ceilings, adding a modern and sophisticated touch to the space.

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Codina Architectural Sede Adia Malla Metálica

Sede de ADIA – Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

The ADIA Headquarters project in Abu Dhabi is distinguished by its sophisticated use of Breuer architectural mesh. The building features 4300 m² of stainless steel Breuer mesh on the ceilings, combined with a TF-50 fixation technique. The use of brass and stainless steel ensures a modern, durable aesthetic, perfect for contemporary office spaces.

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