
Acciaio inossidabile è un materiale ampiamente utilizzato in applicazioni industriali e architettoniche, per le sue proprietà fisiche e strutturali. Presenta un'elevata resistenza all'ossidazione e alla corrosione per la presenza di cromo nella sua composizione; Questo elemento si combina con l'ossigeno e crea uno strato superficiale protettivo di ossido di cromo, chiamato strato passivo.

Ha un'elevata resistenza meccanica e all'usura, un'elevata durabilità ed è facile da lavorare e maneggiare.

È un materiale evidenziato dalla sua elevata sostenibilità, poiché ha una lunga durata e richiede poca o nessuna manutenzione. Inoltre, è riciclabile al 100% a fine vita, con un tasso medio di riciclo compreso tra il 60% e quasi il 90%. La sua produzione genera livelli minimi di CO2 e altre emissioni.

Ha numerose applicazioni in architettura e interior design: allegato di padiglioni o garage, riabilitazione di facciate, ascensori, scale, pavimenti, soffitti, protezione delle aperture, divisione degli spazi, eccetera.

Codina Architectural offre diverse finiture per questo materiale.

Modelli disponibili con questo materiale

Candela R architectural mesh model


CANDELA R architectural mesh is the spiral mesh with less opening in our range. The design is made with left/rigth flat wire spirals combined with three rods connected together.

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Primo piano del modello a rete Gaudi R50

Gaudì R50

GAUDI R50 architectural mesh model is designed using round wire section. GAUDI series are the unique designed without rods across the spirals, which leads to an increase of flexibility.

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Primo piano modello a rete Gaudi R

Gaudì R

GAUDI R architectural mesh model is designed using round wire section. GAUDI series are the unique designed without rods across the spirals, which leads to an increase of flexibility.

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Maglia metallica modello Gaudi F

Gaudì F

GAUDI F model is designed using round wire section. GAUDI series are the unique designed without rods across the spirals, which leads to an increase of flexibility.

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Maglia metallica modello Eiffel 40150

Eiffel 40150

EIFFEL 40150 is ideal for covering large spaces. Thanks to its large opening design, allows to cover larger areas maintaining the balance between the passage of light and the project budget

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40100 Lite Mesh: modello di mesh architettonico per la serie EIFFEL di Codina Arquitectural. Soluzione ideale per il rapporto costo-efficacia. Disponibile in molteplici materiali, finiture e tonalità di colore per soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza progettuale.

40100 Lite

The 40100 LITE architectural mesh model is a new addition to the EIFFEL series, offering an ideal solution for cost-effective architectural projects. Designed to provide an effective yet budget-friendly option, this model maintains the high quality and ve

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Eiffel 40100 architectural mesh model

Eiffel 40100

The EIFFEL 40100 architectural mesh model is the best seller within the EIFFEL series, offering an ideal solution for both outdoor and indoor projects. Known for its balanced percentage opening and effective cost, this model is favored by architects and d

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Close up mesh model Eiffel 20150 - The architectural mesh model EIFFEL 20150 is a suitable light mesh design for cover big surfaces areas.

Eiffel 20150

The EIFFEL 20150 architectural mesh model is designed as a lightweight mesh solution suitable for covering large surface areas. With its balanced opening, weight, and maximum width production, this mesh model is ideal for covering expansive facades with m

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Metal mesh model Eiffel 20100 - EIFFEL 20100 is the most suitable model to cover big facades.

Eiffel 20100

Metal Mesh Model EIFFEL 20100 is specifically designed to cover large facades effectively. With the capability to produce wide widths, this model enables the coverage of expansive areas with fewer panels, thereby optimizing installation time and budget ma

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Maglia metallica modello Eiffel 4050

Eiffel 4050

The EIFFEL 4050 model is highly versatile, offering easy adaptation to curved or non-linear geometries within the EIFFEL series. Architects can leverage its flexibility to achieve unique building effects or shapes while maintaining balance with project bu

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Metal mesh model Eiffel 2050 - EIFFEL 2050 architectural mesh model is an excellent solution in case an increase of privacy behind the mesh is required.

Eiffel 2050

EIFFEL 2050 is an architectural mesh model designed by Codina Architectural, offering an excellent solution for situations where increased privacy behind the mesh is required. With its higher opacity design, this model reduces the amount of light passing

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Immergiti nella raffinatezza del soffitto decorativo in rete metallica in Coderch Copper. Questa straordinaria applicazione di controsoffitti in metallo aggiunge un tocco di eleganza e modernità a qualsiasi spazio, migliorando l'attrattiva visiva pur mantenendo l'integrità strutturale. I controsoffitti in rete metallica offrono durata, praticità e stile contemporaneo, rendendoli la scelta perfetta per progetti architettonici che cercano un'estetica distintiva. Migliora i tuoi progetti architettonici con i soffitti in rete metallica, offrendo durabilità, modernità e praticità.

Al Muhandes per contraente – Giordania

Installazione della rete metallica Coderch ad Al Muhandes – Soffitti per uffici

Codina Architectural was responsible for a standout installation at the Al Muhandes for Contracting building in Jordan, where 376 square meters of Coderch metal mesh in varnished copper is

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