Projets liés.

Maison particulière, Californie – Cloisons avec rideaux en maille métallique cuivrée
Interior design and partitions with copper metal mesh curtains project

École secondaire supérieure Heinola, Finlande – Auditorium à rideaux métalliques
The interior design project of stainless steel metal mesh curtains auditorium of Heinola Upper Secondary School, Finland, combines functionality and aesthetics with the application of the MIES R model. See how this innovative design enhances the acoustics

Immeuble de bureaux Ausonia de Serveis, Madrid
The Ausonia de Serveis offices in Madrid feature modern interior design using MIES R stainless steel mesh. Discover how this flexible metal curtain divides office spaces while enhancing natural light and maintaining an open environment. Learn more about t

Augustinus Bader x Lanserhof Dover Street, Londres
Interior Design with MIES R Copper Mesh he Augustinus Bader